Project Whispa Update by Sol
This week on the Whispa prototype, the upper reinforcing stringers on the hull (the beam shelf), were epoxy laminated onto the hull moulds. These are the final reinforcing longitudinal parts to be added to strengthen the hull form. Next all longitudinal

Spitfire Update – 11.12.19
Congratulations to Murphy & Lawrence as they near completion of their qualifications. More on this in the Foundation update. This week has seen the completion by Paul of the stand on which the built up propeller will be mounted. This will

How much do you value your business or job by Johnny
When you are in the process of creating a product (or service), one of the main things you need to nail down early is your value proposition. More specifically, your UNIQUE value proposition. The question you have to ask yourself

Green Property Investment – as significant value proposition by Matt
Whilst the Hemposite® value proposition is strong from a consumer perspective, perhaps the biggest dynamic at play is how property investment will continue to shift towards green construction. Climate change represents the major global challenge of our time, with global

The Value Proposition for Trelonk Farm by Toby
At Trelonk we are developing a range of plant derived products, the origin of which are heavily tied to sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Their value proposition is based in the strength of their benefits in terms of environmental and nutritional

A Day in the Life of the Panther Project – Morning by Simon
Walking from the truck to the workshop, the sky is lit by a brilliant red sky, silhouetting the biplane weather-vane on the ridge. Another clear day of easterlies means it’s going to be a cold morning in the workshop. I

The Panther Project and changing consumer landscapes by Simon
We are looking into how the changing customer landscape affects product development this week. To just understand this we have to look at how the Panther sits in this topic matter. To which, we need to look back into history

The changing consumer landscape and its effect on product development for Trelonk by Toby
The complexity of consumer demand for agricultural products is widely apparent and, in addition, is continually changing and developing. In this new age of ultra-savvy shoppers, the need has never been greater to provide the public with goods they value,

Parnall Foundation Update by Robyn
On Monday, I was fortunate enough to experience sitting in the Pilot’s seat of the static Spitfire. I find it almost impossible to imagine being sat there at my age during the war. For someone of my generation, it is something we